Reading Essentials
√ Establish a Reading Workshop
√ Provide instruction in large group, small group, and independent conferences with a teacher
√ Provide time for independent reading every day
√ Work with guided reading or strategy groups
√ Involve students in shared reading experiences
√ Teach language and word study skills
√ Engage students in higher level thinking skills and comprehension activities
Writing Essentials
√ Model and discuss the writing process
√ Engage students in guided writing/Establish a Writing Workshop
√ Engage students in interactive writing/shared writing (K-2)
√ Teach strategies for word solving (K-3 refer to Phonics and Word Study Lessons
√ Teach structures for different writing genres
Phonics and Word Study Essentials
√ Teach phonics and word study as part of word work during guided reading
√ Teach whole group phonics lessons as appropriate (based on student writing)
Listening Essentials
√ Provide time for social/collaborative activities
√ Provide time for restating/taking notes
√ Instruct students in following directions and organizing information
Assessments That Match Instruction
√ Administer and analyze formal/informal assessments
√ Confer frequently with readers and writers to guide instruction
Integrating Technology into Literacy Practices
√ Utilize word processing
√ Access the District website
√ Encourage inquiry through grade-appropriate research on-line
Reading Essentials
√ Establish a Reading Workshop
√ Provide instruction in large group, small group, and independent conferences with a teacher
√ Provide time for independent reading every day
√ Work with guided reading or strategy groups
√ Involve students in shared reading experiences
√ Teach language and word study skills
√ Engage students in higher level thinking skills and comprehension activities
Writing Essentials
√ Model and discuss the writing process
√ Engage students in guided writing/Establish a Writing Workshop
√ Engage students in interactive writing/shared writing (K-2)
√ Teach strategies for word solving (K-3 refer to Phonics and Word Study Lessons
√ Teach structures for different writing genres
Phonics and Word Study Essentials
√ Teach phonics and word study as part of word work during guided reading
√ Teach whole group phonics lessons as appropriate (based on student writing)
Listening Essentials
√ Provide time for social/collaborative activities
√ Provide time for restating/taking notes
√ Instruct students in following directions and organizing information
Assessments That Match Instruction
√ Administer and analyze formal/informal assessments
√ Confer frequently with readers and writers to guide instruction
Integrating Technology into Literacy Practices
√ Utilize word processing
√ Access the District website
√ Encourage inquiry through grade-appropriate research on-line